In Home Music Teachers
Washington, DC: 202-568-6546
Toll Free: 866-72-MUSIC
clarinet lesson
I enjoy watching him amaze me.
beginner in clarinet lesson
Quality Guarantee

Excellence Guaranteed

In Home Music Teachers prides itself in its excellent quality service, the ability to match students and teachers, the promotion of fun and productive lessons, and the results nurturing a lifelong art. We guarantee you'll be impressed: After your first lesson, if you're not satisfied for any reason, you'll have the option to either meet a new teacher or cancel and owe us nothing
private in home clarinet lesson

Lessons we teach include:

Piano Guitar Violin
Voice Drums Bass
Clarinet Saxophone Tuba
Flute Trumpet Oboe
French Horn Trombone More...


Clarinet Lessons

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Our program's clarinet instructors provide tailored lessons designed specifically for each student's ability and interests. Whether part of a school band for the first time or an experienced player coming back to improve their technique, students receive individual lesson plans incorporating all aspects of the clarinet.

During private clarinet lessons, students also learn how to properly hold the clarinet, correct hand and finger positions as well as breath techniques. Each private clarinet teacher will help students work on efficient breathing along with proper embouchure.

To register for clarinet lessons, contact Washington, DC In Home Music Teachers at 202-568-6546 or fill out our Lesson Request Form online, and we'll be happy to match you with one of our professional teachers, answer any questions or help you register for lessons.

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